April Energy Update

Apr 04, 2019

Spring is finally here. Although I’m one of those oddballs who enjoys winter, I can’t say I’m completely sad to see this one end. It was a rough one on our employees, especially the delivery personnel at our Dodge and Waupaca plants who had to endure waist deep snow in some places to get to the tanks. To those customers who cleared a path to their tanks for our employees, you have their heartfelt thanks. It really made a difference for them. 
Speaking of Dodge, this is what our propane plant looked like after it became a part of the Trempealeau River. The office is the building on the lower right of the photo. You can see our tanks floating in the water above it. Through the use of a boat and copious amounts of rope, they were able to keep the propane tanks from floating down the river. We plan on building up an area for tank storage so that we don’t have to chase floating tanks again. If anyone in the Dodge area has some inexpensive fill available, please contact Rick at our Dodge office. 
We have two tank painting positions available at our Mt. Horeb, Cobb, Richland Center, Westby, Dodge and Waupaca energy offices respectively. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license. It’s a great job for college students who want to work in the great outdoors. In 20 years they can drive by one of our propane tanks with their kids and brag, “I painted that propane tank before tank painting robots were invented.”
Our farmers will be in the fields soon. If you call in to order your fuel please do it now to beat the rush that we see every year when the first tractor hits the field. It will ensure a timely delivery.
That’s all I’ve got for this month. Thank you for your business. 

Read More News

Jul 02, 2024

Every year, I get fooled by some article on milk pricing and the forecasters predicting the price that we will see in the future. They take on the nearly impossible quest of prediction with the same confidence of the newscaster reading the weather on my tv, and we all know how that went this spring. In February the mailbox price was in the $15 cwt range and now, fast forward to June, we are around $19 cwt. On a 600-cow dairy, that’s about $75,000 a month difference equating to just under a cool million in a year. How does your farm handle this volatility? I don’t think there’s a magic cookie cutter answer in how we manage this, and it appears volatility is here to stay in commodity prices.  

Jul 02, 2024
Environmental conditions play a critical role in disease development. Watching the forecast and paying close attention to individual field conditions to help gauge the risk of disease development.
Jul 02, 2024
By the time you receive this newsletter, Independence Day will have gone by. I hope you enjoyed the day off. I should have done this in last month’s newsletter but let me give you some fireworks advice in case you have left over munitions. The most important thing to remember is after you light the fuse, Mr. Fireworks is no longer your friend. Then, while fleeing, don’t zig when you should have zagged. Now you know.