March Energy News

Mar 01, 2024

Propane Delivery

March 2024.

Well, February came in like a lion and went out like a gerbil. By the looks of things, March is coming in like a field mouse and will go out an earthworm. I was able to get a good solid week of snowmobiling in this year. I couldn’t even travel to the U.P. of Michigan as they didn’t have snow either. . 

I can think of a few ways in which our customers can save money at the same time by using less expensive propane. I don’t know of any household electric appliance that can be operated with less expense than a comparable propane appliance. Since 2001 my electric rate has increased a total of 17%. In the last year, I’ve replaced both my electric stove as well as my electric clothes dryer to cut my electric bill. It didn’t lower my bill with the last electric rate increase but it didn’t increase, either. Plus, I was able to get incentives of $300 per appliance ($600 total) from the Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council (WIPERC) for replacing those appliances. My appliances were ancient, so the timing was right. 

This year I’m planning on replacing my water heater and WIPERC will provide me with an incentive check. The incentives are $500 for a propane water heater, $300 for a propane cook stove and $300 for a propane dryer. With a 20-year-old water heater, it’s kind of a no brainer. 

I see a lot of folks installing generators on their homes in case of a power outage. If you are considering adding a propane generator to your home, the more appliances that are propane, the less electric load you will have. That means you can get a smaller generator, which will save you money because a smaller generator costs less money than a large one. 

If you replace your existing water heater, clothes dryer or gas range with propane, give us a call and we’ll help you through the process to secure your incentive money. Keep in mind that any time a propane appliance is added or replaced or there is an interruption of your propane system for any reason, we are required to leak test your propane system.

Lastly, with the warmer weather, our farmer customers may be hitting the fields early. If you aren’t doing diesel business with us, give your local Premier Energy location a call. Cenex premium diesel fuels are top of the line. We offer contracts if you want to lock your diesel price. We also sell Cenex lubricants which are some of the best on the market. Give us a call today. Thank you for your business.    

Tim Lease

Division Manager

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