Market Update

May 03, 2021

Grain Bin

Opportunities in the grain market.

We are entering an exciting season in the grain markets. Today’s prices are providing some great contracting opportunities for your 2021 crop. We have seen many producers contract a portion of their new crop corn and soybeans on the way up throughout this rally, and I would encourage all to make a plan and set selling goals prior to harvest. Whether that is selling a portion of your production today or having targets in mind, it is typically better to have a plan and be prepared. As the weather and other factors impacting prices change, so can your plan. 

We are also beginning the USDA weekly crop progress report season, which looks at both progression of the crop and rates the condition of the crop. These reports come out at 3:00 each Monday and can be helpful to watch to see how our crop is progressing nationwide. On top of these weekly reports, we will see monthly USDA reports on May 12th and June 10th, and the quarterly grain stocks and planted acreage on June 30th. If you have any questions about information on these reports either prior to their release or after, I will gladly answer them or keep you updated as to what the numbers tell us. 

Premier has a fleet of grain trucks and quality drivers to haul both your stored old crop grain and new crop grain out of the field. Contact Jory today at 608-308-4889 to discusss how Premier can help you get starterd on a plan or add value to your existing marketing strategy.

Jory Bossuyt

Grain Lead & Merchandising

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