May Open House Events Postponed

Apr 10, 2020

Due to the current concerns over Covid-19 and for the wellbeing of our staff, customers, and the communities, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the open house events scheduled for early May for Mt Horeb, Westby, and La Farge. Since we typically have patronage and equity redemption checks available to pick up at the open houses, this year we will be mailing them out. Our goal is to start mailing out patronage refunds and equity redemptions by age by mid-May.
Please watch our website and future newsletters for updates on the rescheduling for the open houses at the Mt Horeb Do it Best, Westby ACE, and La Farge AutoCenter.

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Every year, I get fooled by some article on milk pricing and the forecasters predicting the price that we will see in the future. They take on the nearly impossible quest of prediction with the same confidence of the newscaster reading the weather on my tv, and we all know how that went this spring. In February the mailbox price was in the $15 cwt range and now, fast forward to June, we are around $19 cwt. On a 600-cow dairy, that’s about $75,000 a month difference equating to just under a cool million in a year. How does your farm handle this volatility? I don’t think there’s a magic cookie cutter answer in how we manage this, and it appears volatility is here to stay in commodity prices.  

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By the time you receive this newsletter, Independence Day will have gone by. I hope you enjoyed the day off. I should have done this in last month’s newsletter but let me give you some fireworks advice in case you have left over munitions. The most important thing to remember is after you light the fuse, Mr. Fireworks is no longer your friend. Then, while fleeing, don’t zig when you should have zagged. Now you know. 

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