Start Planning Now For 2020
Oct 02, 2019

With the fall harvest upon us, we all know there can be plenty of curve balls ahead of us in wrapping up this most memorable 2019 crop year. Many of our customers experienced delayed planting and some acres were forced to be prevented plant. Weather is still our #1 limiting factor yet we need to continue to utilize information and technology available today. We will never be able to predict what the upcoming season will bring. However, there are several things we can do as we look toward 2020 that can help mitigate risks.
Hybrid selection is often one of the most important decisions we can make for the upcoming year. You may find yourself tempted to choose hybrids based on the fact they are new, they won every test plot, and that the seed companies say they are plus 10 bushels over existing comparable products. Environment and how you manage hybrids play a significant role in hybrid performance, so making decisions according to the specific conditions found on your farm is essential. That is where your Premier Agronomist can come to bat for you. With his or her knowledge of the seed brands, varieties, area planting conditions and your farm they will be able to help you decide just what can be the right fit for your acre to bring you the yields and profits you are looking for.
Looking ahead to 2020 we will see the opportunity for soybean growers to choose from another platform other than Xtend® (dicamba and glyphosate tolerant), with the expansion of Enlist™ (E3), which is a 2,4-D, glyphosate and Liberty® tolerant platform. As we continue to battle resistant weeds, this will be another tool in the toolbox, offering a bit more application flexibility with solid weed control. For 2020 it also seems we will see chemistry manufacturers ramp up their grower rebate programs as they all compete for the farm acre. That can be a good thing and yet at times these programs can be confusing. They promote a big rebate that catches your eye and then have underlying purchasing requirements to qualify. Your Premier Agronomist will have a good understanding of all the programs available going into next year. With their knowledge of your specific needs, they can help guide you in taking advantage of these programs or give you different options to utilize that can save you more money up front with the same or better weed control options for your individual fields and total farm solutions.
We look forward to working with you as we head into harvest and then plan for the 2020 growing season.
Hybrid selection is often one of the most important decisions we can make for the upcoming year. You may find yourself tempted to choose hybrids based on the fact they are new, they won every test plot, and that the seed companies say they are plus 10 bushels over existing comparable products. Environment and how you manage hybrids play a significant role in hybrid performance, so making decisions according to the specific conditions found on your farm is essential. That is where your Premier Agronomist can come to bat for you. With his or her knowledge of the seed brands, varieties, area planting conditions and your farm they will be able to help you decide just what can be the right fit for your acre to bring you the yields and profits you are looking for.
Looking ahead to 2020 we will see the opportunity for soybean growers to choose from another platform other than Xtend® (dicamba and glyphosate tolerant), with the expansion of Enlist™ (E3), which is a 2,4-D, glyphosate and Liberty® tolerant platform. As we continue to battle resistant weeds, this will be another tool in the toolbox, offering a bit more application flexibility with solid weed control. For 2020 it also seems we will see chemistry manufacturers ramp up their grower rebate programs as they all compete for the farm acre. That can be a good thing and yet at times these programs can be confusing. They promote a big rebate that catches your eye and then have underlying purchasing requirements to qualify. Your Premier Agronomist will have a good understanding of all the programs available going into next year. With their knowledge of your specific needs, they can help guide you in taking advantage of these programs or give you different options to utilize that can save you more money up front with the same or better weed control options for your individual fields and total farm solutions.
We look forward to working with you as we head into harvest and then plan for the 2020 growing season.