More than just your Service Provider

Aug 29, 2023


Partner with Premier

In a landscape filled with choices for your agronomy needs, we stand out as more than just a service provider; we are your community-focused partner dedicated to mutual success and regional growth. 

Facing the dual challenge of effective agronomy solutions and secure investment, our local roots in SW Wisconsin offer a unique advantage. We're not just a business in your community; we actively nurture it. Our company injects over $18 million into the local economy through salaries, supports schools and businesses, and annually donates $15,000 in scholarships. 

Our dedication extends to your financial success. With an average cash back of up to 3.5% through our member patronage and equity programs over the last five years, we’ve returned over $22 million to members, significantly reducing your costs and enhancing profitability. 

Our one-stop-shop approach saves you time and effort. We provide comprehensive solutions from planning to harvest, ensuring optimal yields. With a 130-year legacy, strong financial health, and ongoing investments in technology and infrastructure, we guarantee not only the safety of your prepayments but also their growth potential. 

Our team of experienced agronomists and state-of-the-art equipment offer customized, yield-optimizing strategies to push for an additional 10 or 20 bushels through good fertility programs, timely applications, and matching the right seed genetics to the field potential. With 9 full-service locations, extensive staff, and numerous application units, we ensure ready availability of high-quality products and services. 

Choose a partnership that values both your business and our shared community's well-being. Prepay your crop inputs with us and join hands in cultivating a prosperous future for your farm and SW Wisconsin. 

Thank you for your continued patronage in 2023 and we look forward to a mutually profitable 2024. All of us at Premier Cooperative Agronomy Division wish you and yours the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year!

Ken Jahnke

Sales Manager


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