Planning for Profits

Jan 04, 2024


Generating Profits per Acre

As with previous years when planning your crop inputs, likely your top priority is to generate profits per acre. Don’t let anything distract you from this yearly goal. As we head into 2024, potential profitability is great for those who plan ahead. If you’re looking to succeed and achieve your goals this year, the agronomists at Premier Cooperative are here to assist you. We are dedicated to helping you achieve a higher profits, with a variety of resources, tools, and expertise to get you there.

Despite recent fluctuations in the crop input industry, our agronomy team is here to help you make informed decisions for your operation. We recognize that these changes can be difficult to navigate, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Our team is committed to keeping you updated on Fertilizer and CPP market trends and ensuring sufficient supply in our warehouses before spring. As a full-service crop input supplier, we look to combine supply with exceeding your expectations in service. We understand that to gain a customer is one thing, but to keep them year after year takes effort and dedication. We also continue to bring and utilize new and innovative fertilizer products, herbicides, insecticides, seed treatments, fungicides, biologicals, scouting, and application.
Another tool to bring mention to is our detailed Crop Production Budget Worksheet, that can calculate all your inputs on a per acre basis and let you change your yield and selling price to aid in your grain marketing decision process. This worksheet has also been very valuable to be used with a banker or financial officer when working to secure financing.

Please take time this month to look over the Crop Production Worksheet and create a plan with your Premier Agronomist to reach your goal for a profitable 2024.

Ken Jahnke

Division Sales Manager


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