Stop Loss of Nitrogen with Spring Applications

Mar 26, 2021


Protect your Nitrogen investment.

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of using nitrogen stabilizers to protect fall-applied nitrogen over the winter, but did you know that spring nitrogen applications are at risk for loss as well? That’s because the majority of the nitrogen that is applied at planting is not going to be taken up by the plant until about 60 days later.

If that nitrogen converts to nitrate before the crop is able to use it, it can be lost. It often becomes a race between the nitrate leaching and the growth rate of the plant’s roots. In a wet year, nitrate is more likely to reach the tile lines before the plant has a chance to take it up. Stabilizing nitrogen helps keep it in ammonium form longer, which greatly reduces the risk of leaching. That helps protect your nitrogen investment and improves your return on investment potential and yields.

Instinct II

Instinct® II nitrogen stabilizer is proven to optimize yield and profit potential of corn and wheat by inhibiting nitrification of applied nitrogen with UAN, urea and liquid manure.

Ammonia volatilization can have a serious impact on your yield results and reduce your return on investment. In research studies, ANVOL™ has been proven to defend against volatilization and boost yield results compared to untreated urea. 


Ammonia volatilization can have a serious impact on your yield results and reduce your return on investment.

In research studies, ANVOL™ has been proven to defend against volatilization and boost yield results compared to untreated urea. 

Thank You for Your Business!

Thank you for your business and allowing us to provide you with the most advanced alfalfa, corn and soybean seed genetics from the industry’s most reputable seed companies.

With the planting season upon us, your Premier Cooperative Agronomy team has the seed to supply you with your in-season needs. Having brands available such as; Croplan, NK Seeds, Asgrow, Dekalb, and Brevant Seeds we are able to provide you with the right seed for the right acre at the right price to maximize yield.

Please contact your local Agronomy Center or Premier Agronomist to supply you with your needs in a timely manner. We look forward to being your trusted agronomy input and service provider.

Have a safe planting season.


Ken Jahnke

Agronomy Sales Manager

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