The First Step in Fighting the War Against Weeds

Mar 21, 2022

Waterhemp in Soybeans

Soybean Trait Packages

Selecting varieties is one of the first decision you make for each growing season.

In previous years, the most important factors that came to mind were yield, maturity, disease package and lodging potential. This year, a new factor rises to the top…herbicide traits. According to Wisconsin Weed Science, there have been 20 unique cases of herbicide resistance in the state spread across 13 different weed species and 6 herbicide sites of action.

Resistant weeds are a force to be reckoned with, however there still are a few tools in the toolbox to help fight back. 

You can prepare for this fight, by first selecting a variety with an herbicide-resistant trait. Check your recent soybean purchase to see which trait(s) will go into battle for you.

Enlist E3 Soybean

Herbicide tolerance to 2,4-D Choline, Glyphosate and Glufosinate.
Enlist (2,4-D) Products Available: Enlist One & Enlist Duo

RoundUp Ready Two Xtend

Herbicide Tolerance to Glyphosate and Dicamba.
Xtend (Dicamba) Products Available: Xtendimax, Enginia, FeXapan, and Tavium

XtendFlex Soybeans

Herbicide Tolerance to Dicamba, Glyphosate and Glufosinate.
Xtend (Dicamba) Products Available: Xtendimax, Enginia, FeXapan, and Tavium

Liberty Link Soybeans

Herbicide Tolerance to Glufosinate.
Glufosinate Products Available: Liberty

Liberty Link GT27

Herbicide Tolerance to Glufosinate and Glyphosate.
Glufosinate Products Available: Liberty

Use the form below to contact an agronomist and receive a product use guide and new label highlights.


Premier Cooperative



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