Tub Recycling & Chipper Day

Feb 05, 2024

Mineral Tubs

Coming to Premier August/September 2024

Over the past several years, I have had several clients ask why we do not have a way to take used mineral tubs and recycle them rather than dispose of them (this is after several have already fulfilled the role of a garbage can, tomato plant grower, flowerpot, water tank, or countless other uses). My answer has always been that we cannot allow it in our feed mill, as we have strict biosecurity measures that we must follow. Fortunately, Purina has brought a program to the table that not only allows us to take the tubs for recycling without entering the feed mill, but also to reward a $2 coupon for each tub recycled for future tub purchases!

While there is still plenty of planning to do, we wanted our members to be aware of this upcoming event so that tubs can be stored until then. This event will not only serve for tub recycling but as a chipper day as well, with lunch provided. 

The requirements to recycle a tub and receive the $2 coupon are:

  • Purina and all other branded tubs are accepted
  • The tubs must be 125lbs or larger
  • Only plastic tubs can be recycled
  • Tubs must be clean and debris-free

We will share more details as the date gets closer. If you are looking for more information, please contact Amber Yager Feiner at 608-574-3004.  

Amber Yager Feiner

Dairy Nutritionist


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