Are We Entering Another Commodity Super-Cycle?

Mar 05, 2021

Grain Bins

Global Market Insights Webinar Series

March 16th | 10:00am

Rapid growth in Chinese demand combined with an explosion of fiscal and monetary stimulus to push commodity prices sharply higher in recent months. Some people speak of a possible super cycle in the commodity sector that could keep prices elevated for an extended period of time. Is that the case, or shall we prepare for an inevitable collapse? Does China truly need what it is purchasing, or is it simply stocking up? What is the impact of unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus by the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world, and how will a big increase in position limits influence the markets? We’ll seek to put the pieces of the puzzle together, presenting the risks and opportunities that lie ahead.

Join Compeer Financial and Arlan Suderman, Chief Commodities Economist at StoneX, for a live webinar series as he shares first-hand perspective on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the market. He will provide unique insight on global macro-economic trends and what it means for the commodities market.

Use the form below to register for the webinar.

If you'd like to discuss marketing your crop, please do not hesitate to contact Jory by calling 608.308.4889.

Jory Bossuyt

Grain Lead & Merchandising

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