Build Stronger Plants from the Start

Feb 26, 2021

Emerging Corn Plant

Roots are a plant's lifeline.

Roots are a plant’s lifeline for nutrient and water uptake. If your crops don’t have a strong root system, chances are your yield will suffer. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are hormones that regulate growth and development of plants, and they can offer significant benefits, including a larger root mass with more root hairs. That can help the plant mine nonmobile soil nutrients including phosphorus, potassium and zinc for better plant health. PGRs can also promote vigorous emergence, wider leaves and thicker stalks. A PGR like Ascend Pro® delivers season-long crop benefits regardless of early-season conditions. Whether it’s cool and wet or hot and dry, research shows Ascend Pro® boosts plant health from day one.

Watch a faster, more even emergence with th euse of Ascend Pro PGR

Did you know that zinc deficiency can reduce corn yield by up to 40%? Although it’s only needed in small quantities, zinc is essential for production of the carbohydrates, proteins and chlorophyll that drive grain production. In fact, plant growth and development stops when specific zinc-dependent enzymes aren’t available. It’s easy to see why an in-furrow Ultra-Che Zinc application is a smart investment to promote early-season plant health and to protect yield potential.


Fill out the form below to contact a Premier agronomist and learn more about how adding Ascend Pro and Zinc could help increase your profitability this season. 

Winfield United



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