Crop Input Planning

Mar 03, 2022

Budget planning

The word of the year: Planning.

I want to start this out with a BIG thank you to all who have come in and made commitments and prepayments for your 2022 crop needs. This is a big help to get us off on the right foot with direction on what products to stock for the upcoming spring season. 

As we head into the tail end of winter and turn the corner into spring, I want to take a few moments and comment on an opportunity that still lies ahead in the coming month: planning. Though discussions of planning ahead have happened over and over this past winter, it remains important as we get closer to spring. 

Knowing that plans change and updates are needed, I encourage everyone to set aside time to review your plan with our team. If you have not had a chance to catch up with one of our Premier Agronomists, call today and make that appointment. This season will be a challenging one as we continue to face logistical issues, bottlenecks that delay shipments, and allocations that don’t look to be out of the picture anytime soon. Any advance planning we can do to offset those issues helps get the products and services you depend on to you in a timely fashion. 

Let me stress that we are in good position on a majority of spring needs and prepaid products, so it’s not doom and gloom. That being said, properly planning ahead increases our ability to provide you with your desired products for those last-minute orders. Planning in agronomy can include any of the following products: seed corn, soybeans, alfalfa, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, surfactants, fertilizers, applications, or soil tests. This planning can also include financing for savings or discussions on how to save soil moisture or what the best residual herbicides for corn and soybean weed control may be. With Premier’s help, you can even crunch the numbers of your own crop profit and loss calculations for this year. Our agronomy division has trained and prepared agronomists ready to support you in making up-to-date, informed decisions for all your agronomy needs.  Call your favorite agronomist or local Premier Cooperative location to get the security you need for your 2022 crop year inputs. 

Thank you for your business, and we look forward to continuing to exceed your expectations in 2022.

Ken Jahnke

Sales Manager


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