Premier Co-op

Generating Revenue on Your Dairy
Every year, I get fooled by some article on milk pricing and the forecasters predicting the price that we will see in the future. They take on the nearly impossible quest of prediction ...
In recognition of the need faced in our communities, Premier wanted to find a way to give back this holiday season. With the uncertainty of the world today, the need to eat stays constant. Beginning mid-November, Premier branches began to collect non-perishables to donate to local food pantries.
To make the drive a little more fun, the branch that collected the most items will get the “Can Champ” trophy to display at their branch for the year along with the sweet satisfaction of giving back (and the bragging rights that go along with it ??)
The 1st Annual Premier Cooperative Food Drive ended up to be a resounding success! Over the past month, 6 locations gathered 1,849 food items to be donated to local food panties for the holidays. We are so proud of the good work our employees do in and for our community and look forward to the many more drives to come. Special congratulations to Mineral Point for gathering the most items.